> I'm in the process of generating a character who has just that. Sartarite,
but kidnapped by the Lunars in late childhood, brought up in Tarsh as a
hostage and deliberately trained in the "Lunar Way". Rescued and taken back
to her clan as a young adult. She's getting both Sartarite and Tarshite
homeland keywords at 15, with overlapping skills at 17.
One of my old characters was a Balazaring, taken by the Lunars at age 8 and raised in Tarsh. So, I gave him Know Elkoi and the like at 8... although this was as much for comic effet because the pompous but also rather insecure chap was a bit of a know-it-all, so it was quite entertaining for him to keep failing rolls and yet say 'ah yes, I know exactly where we are' and proceed to lead everyone on a wild dog chase (dog? hey, we're in Balazar).
All the best
End of Glorantha Digest, Vol 11, Issue 68
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