>I am enjoying the debate on the various origins of Wenelian peoples and thi=
>that an enterprising GM could paraphrase the various arguments into a debat=
>between Wenelians, who would clearly have different views of their own orig=
>and debate them hotly.
>it seems to me that there are plenty of reasons for a mix of
>cultures in Maniria.
I don't think anyone has said that all cultures in Maniria (or even Wenelia) are piggish. (The four Entruli tribes who were driven into Slontos left their names in the area, so it's reasonable that they were once the dominant people there.)
I've been concentrating on those that are (the Entruli-descended ones) because those would be the ancestral culture to at least one Umathelan "tribe."
>My own preference would be for five piggies as that is the number of toes I
>have on one foot
It's likely that they didn't all survive into the Third Age. (Indeed, the Vathmai don't exist as such today, and never got a place on the map. The Heerili gave their name to part of Slontos that's completely gone now, so that tribe is probably toast as well.)
>- the Trader Princes are obviously in cahoots with one tribe,
>another have powerful landscape deity in their Home land, one feasts on th=
>flesh of bovine creatures, while another views this practice as taboo. The
>fifth tribe became the Heortlings.
The Heortlings are definitely not descended from one of the Manirian pig people.
=46or the record, I've been known to wear a utilikilt <http://www.utilikilt.com/> to work. I think there are some good reasons why Icelanders wore trousers, and I don't think it relates to their ponies...
-- David Dunham Glorantha/HQ/RQ page: http://www.pensee.com/dunham/glorantha.html Imagination is more important than knowledge. -- Albert Einstein ------------------------------
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