RE: Kilts and Trewsers: Sense and Seasonality

From: Jane Williams <>
Date: Sun, 20 Mar 2005 08:04:46 -0000

> Well I spent most of a weekend in what was basically a long
> frock for a freeform. With loose underwear it is a lot more
> comfortable than trousers particularly in warm temperatures.

I'd agree with that, in fact, and add that hoops make a huge difference both to staying cool and to being able to move. As does reducing underwear to the bare minumum (and that can be a literal statement). Should anyone be introducing Victorian-style clothes to some area of their Glorantha...

> If it wasn't for the social taboo against men in skirts I
> reckon they would be quite popular.

Then don't let social taboos stop you. I still think the western world is over-due a big dose of male emancipation.

> I'd agree it isn't something to be physically active in which
> is where a knee length skirt would be better.

Or shorter, yes. Or shorts!

> One thing I've noticed with clothing is that a lot is
> designed to hinder. It seems mostly to be a status thing, to
> show you aren't doing physical work. Which then gets carried
> over to people who are and they have to work round the hinderance.

Very true - that's a lot of the problem with female clothing and other "status" things in particular. Just think about long fingernails!

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