>DD> >It's also possible that the Heortling and
> > >Malkioni maps are both correct, but are from a different moment
> > >in time.
> > No, it's not possible. The two maps are the same period in
> > time, the late Storm Age.
>So, does that mean that there is only one map for the whole of the Late Storn
>Age? Surely an Age where several things happened could have several maps
>describing the Age?
There are three maps describing the Age and I'm referring to the last one.
>It is my understanding that the seas flooded the lands
>during the early and middle Storm Age
That's true but I was talking about the _Late_ Storm Age _after_ the Flood. The period before the Flood (Early Storm) is shown in Thunder Rebels p144. The Flood (Middle Storm) is shown in Arcane Lore p78 while the Vingkotling Period (Late Storm) is shown in Thunder Rebels p148.
>and that the Storm Tribe forced the
>waters back during the Middle and Late Storm Ages, but that this happened in
>several pushes by both sides, with the waters ebbing and flowing across ther
If the Storm Age maps were describing snapshots in time then you would be right. But they are describing the general geographical picture during that time.
>There could equally well have been a time during the late Storm Age
>when the waters covered the land and when the waters had been pushed back.
Except that there was no major conflict with the Waters then because Heler had switched sides.
>In a similar vein, if there was only one map for each of the three Ages after
>Time, then it would be very difficult to describe the various sinkings of
>Slontos, the disappearance of Brithos and so on as some of those
>happened mid Age.
Uz Lore does a marvellous job nevertheless.
--Peter Metcalfe
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