>LC>>The Red Moon Assassins helped as back
> >>up on JarEel's mission to kill Pharaoh?
>Me >Not necessarily.
>I had long suspected that the Lunars had
>something to do with the Pharaohs death. This
>was the first I've heard it actually said, though.
>Where is this written?
It was first written in the Genertela Book p34 and repeated as most recently as the HQ rulebook p224. At the RQ-Con 2, Greg outlined what had happened to him:
GS: Well, nobody exactly knows. <sigh> But, yes. The Pharoah had a routine ritual that he was used to going through, and the Lunars loaded it against him. There's one stage where the Pharoah had to negotiate with the Men in Red to cross the river. He knows, from all the stories he's done, that he has to give them each a gold coin from a foreign land. And _this_ time, the Men in Red are all Lunar agents with their own agenda. And they say, "This has to be a gold coin from the Realm of Khordavu!" And suddenly the myth doesn't work for the Pharoah, and the Men in Red say, "You don't know the end of this story, do you? Well, we do!" <mimes drawing a sword> And they grabbed the Pharoah, and cut him up into his Portions, just like the Red Goddess had been, and hid them scattered throughout the universes."
--Peter Metcalfe
End of Glorantha Digest, Vol 11, Issue 65
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