No argument***. Actually, my only real quibble=20 was that I "thought" you were referring to the=20 Harandings as hsunchen. I was wrong and=20 apologize.:)
>> The Drorgalrites became the Harandings and were defeated by
>> the Vingkotlings at Arrowmound.
>Yes, there were a fair number of beast folks in=20
>the area. The Pralori, according to Greg were=20
>the ones who
>held sway over the region - such as it was - at=20
>the Dawn. But again, its ancient history and=20
>has, sadly, as
>much bearing on modern thought as the cultural=20
>influence of, say, the Devonians
>or the Silurii upon modern English culture.
Now you might be overstating things a bit.:)
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