>And that sort of consideration doesn't change much with time. We've all
>tried this stuff, haven't we? (Well, maybe some of the blokes haven't
>tried long skirts - do. Just not for very long.)
Well I spent most of a weekend in what was basically a long frock for a freeform. With loose underwear it is a lot more comfortable than trousers particularly in warm temperatures. If it wasn't for the social taboo against men in skirts I reckon they would be quite popular.
I'd agree it isn't something to be physically active in which is where a knee length skirt would be better.
One thing I've noticed with clothing is that a lot is designed to hinder. It seems mostly to be a status thing, to show you aren't doing physical work. Which then gets carried over to people who are and they have to work round the hinderance.
-- Donald Oddy http://www.grove.demon.co.uk/ ------------------------------
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