> >One major point is that some are animists and some
>Which happens to be the only point that anybody can think of.
I can think of many, and surely anyone running a game in the area can as well. However, I don't believe that anything else has ever been published, so details would be speculation. (Actually, I'm not sure the animist/theist split has been published,
Were we discussing the under-documented land of Sartar, we might well be reduced to calling it a land of fractious alynx-lovers.
>I don't understand what you mean by "evolved hsunchen".
A loose term for people who were once beast-totemic animists but converted to another religion. Many such are found in Ralios, for example. At least some of the Wenelians fall into this category as well.
> >They're pig-lovers because they are (or were) Entruli.
>Were they? The only source for that assertion is
>Shannon's article which is hardly authoritative.
The article is "with help from Greg Stafford," and Greg has recently told me that it is mostly authoritative. (I'd guess that it's about like a pre-finished work -- Missing Lands is mostly authoritative, though Greg did make some changes for Men of the Sea.)
-- David Dunham Glorantha/HQ/RQ page: http://www.pensee.com/dunham/glorantha.html Imagination is more important than knowledge. -- Albert Einstein ------------------------------
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