> > > > Calling the Harandings Hsunchen in 0 ST is even more inaccurate
> > > > than it is now. At the Dawn, the Hsunchen were only found in
> > > > the Shanshan mountains.
>As far as I know, there were extensive Hsunchen peoples who held sway
over what is now most of Maniria during
>the Silver and Dawn Age. They were driven back or converted by the
World Council of Friends who also
>established kingdoms in the region.
>From Shannon Appel's history of Kethaela (which appeared in Tradetalk),
there appears to be have been a lot of permeation between the Entruli
hsunchen and the Vingkotlings. If I recall, there were at least six
tribes of Entruli (several of which were probably not hsunchen) - the
Ramali, the Heerili, the Maniri, the Weneli, the Drorgalrites and the
Vathmai. The Vingkotlings drove the Entruli out of Kethaela and into
Slontos (although that story may be an oversimplification). Two tribes
of the Entruli - the Drogalrites and the Vathmai - pledged themselves to
the Vingkotlings. Presumably they can be considered Orlanthi, not
hsunchen. The Drorgalrites became the Harandings and were defeated by
the Vingkotlings at Arrowmound.
On the other hand, other sources have the Harandings as a clan of Orlanth and Esrola (Ketha) worshipping pig people whose nobles ride upon huge tuskers. The same sources describe the Ditaling clan as a very small animist clan worshipping Dital, a hunting spirit, at the Dawn. In the early Dawn Age, Pralori apparently conquered much of Wenelia. Wenelia was liberated by the Vathmai tribe (or whoever they later became) with aid from the World Council. Theyalan missionaries likely showed the other Entruli how to worship Orlanth and the Lifebringers.
>I will treat them as hsunchen until told otherwise.
I don't think that the Harandings were hsunchen. However, I think other Entruli tribes probably were hsunchen at the Dawn and later abandoned their hsunchen ways for the Theyalan lifebringers.
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