>>I've been assuming that people aren't getting married until
>>somewhere between 23 and 30, because I'm assuming it takes time to
>>build up enough wealth to make a good marriage match.
>That would fit in with practices in Central Europe (basing this on
>1632 etc) where the couple were betrothed and didn't marry until the
>lad had built up a big enough nest egg to either set up in business
>or buy a farm and the lass had hand sewn enough clothing and
>household goods for the household.
That makes economic sense for the middle classes who can expect to do that - very similar to 19th and early 20th century England. It makes absolutely no sense for either the wealthy who's parents will set them up in life or the poor who are never going to own a farm or business.
With odal property the idea is completely irrelevant, by the time a man is head of his bloodline women of his age will be reaching menopause.
-- Donald Oddy http://www.grove.demon.co.uk/ ------------------------------ End of Glorantha Digest, Vol 11, Issue 60 *****************************************
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