> >Travelling backwards in time however has an
> unravelling effect on memory
> >(which after all is supposed to develop forward in
> time) so he ends up in
> >the past highly magically skilled and convinced of
> his right to rule but
> >with only shadowy recollection of what brought him
> here (shades of Quantum
> >Leap).
> >
> >Again he builds up a power base, but it is only
> with the coming of the
> >Lunar Empire that he begins to recall what happened
> to him, and at the last
> >moment, now knowing what is coming makes the
> preparations that ensure his
> >eventual release. And around he goes again...
> Sounds very similar to the plot in Harry Harrison's
> "The Stainless Steel Rat Saves the World"
Also Terry Pratchett's "Pyramids". Whch makes some
interesting points about the sanity of the person it
happens to.
Jane Williams
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