>The animist only needs to pass a w3 barrier to get at his spirits,
Try looking up what a sorcerer has to do to create a talisman or, worse, a grimoire. Something about passing 1w3 or 1w6 barriers come to mind.
>and the
>power of his spirits (in the examples) is capped at a certain level.
The examples give a few spirits that are able to cause trouble for Harrek the Berserk so any cap is hardly that onerous. FWIW feats, spells and affinities are theoretically capped depending on the strength of the source so animism is not unique.
> > 1.Remember that a practioner adds a fetish spirits ability rating to
> > either his advantage points or his own ability rating when it is
> > released. That's a much better bonus than a normal augment.
>That's just for the shaman, right?
No. Try reading the rules, Mikko, instead of making erroneous generalizations based upon what somebody was saying about an early draft.
> > 3.Chaotics probably don't have to follow the normal rule for excluding
> > the other magic types when they concentrate. They're chaotic, after
> > all:)
>Changing most chaotic entities to spirits has been a surprise to me.
This is a reference to a list that I made on the HQ-RPG list. First Mikko claimed that all chaotic entities were spirits and now he claims that most such entities are spirits.
For the record, I only described three (and a third) entities out of eleven as animist cults. The identification of Thed, Malia and Bagog as animistic cults is almost certain because in RQ3 a) Thed has shamans and a spirit rune and b) Malia and Bagog had shamans. Of the other cults, one was described as sorcerous (Vivamort), three were described as theistic (Crimson Bat, Cacodemon and Krarsht), three were hypothesized as common magic religions (Primal Chaos, Pocharngo and Krjalk) and the last (Thanatar) considered as a special case.
Hence I'm a bit disturbed that having read it twice, Mikko still can't get the details right. There are legitimate questions that could be made about the list. For example, sorcerous cults are under-represented. However if the Borists and the Vadeli are included, that objection disappears.
>Anyway, as chaotics, shouldn't they be somewhat outside the
>three worlds paradigm?
Read Cults of Terror or the Cult Compendium (p20). The shapes and forms of chaos are mockeries of the conventional magic sources:
Mysticism - Void - Wasteworld Sorcerous - Prime Mover - Kajabor Theism - Silence - Howling Rage Animism - Primal Plasma - Gorpgod.
--Peter Metcalfe
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