Glorantha players wanted in W. Yorkshire area, U.K.
Hi everyone,
Firstly my apologies to all those who this posting will not be relevant to.
I am an ex-RPGer now getting back into that side of gaming after
10-15 yrs out of the hobby. I'm shortly going to be moving from Essex
to somewhere around the West Yorkshire area and I'll like to met
other Glorantha players, of whatever system, to do some reasonably
regular gaming with. I've only ever played RQ2, but have lots of 3rd
edition stuff as well and am equally happy to try HQ, or HeroWars if
anyone still plays that since HQ was released. I'm also willing to
run a campaign, probably more RQ2 or RQ3 based, but it'll be a mix
and match of what feels right to me with input from players
(hopefully reaching a consensus!)
I don't mind a bit of travelling, so if there is anyone within around
say 1 hr journey of Halifax (anywhere from Manchester to Leeds,
possibly even further afield) that is looking for an extra player or
whatever then please get in touch, preferably directly to myself
rather than as another posting. Presumably my email address will be
shown, but if not then it is
Many thanks,
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