An animist's spirits are as big as he/she/it can go and get. It specifies that the ones listed are representative. If you look at the rules, it does say that you can get bigger ones. So if I think I can take on what's needed to get me a 18w4 (if the narrator allows extending the table, 20w3 if not) spirit and I have the HP to spend, I can do so.
>I'm not sure I'm right here, but you people are side stepping the issue.
>Either the animists (by the book) have as much punch as the rest, or they
If I am good enough to have two or three 20w3 spirits and a dozen lesser ones, that's two or three abilities that I can add 20w3 to. Not augment, but add. That would put me in the realm of god-level powers for a short while. Remember, all spirits augment all the time as well, so that's +8 to those abilities all the time and +80 for a little while. If I'm a shaman, I can do that a couple of times a day--it does involve me going and finding them, but if I'm this good I'll do that every time.
No-one else can add that much. You can look at magic on lots of multiple opponents at this level--think of a shaman with the spirit Spooge Enemy used on a company of soldiers. They'd be resisting a 20w Spooge attack each...
-- | Paul May | | Kax Hoplodyne, Ltd | | MIB 1138; RD Australia | I'm an omnitheist. You can't have too many messiahs. -- No virus found in this outgoing message. Checked by AVG Anti-Virus. Version: 7.0.308 / Virus Database: 266.8.4 - Release Date: 27/03/05 ------------------------------
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