Robert Davis:
>Temertain's Telmori bodyguard, when on duty, are in wolf form.
A bit difficult to do in the dark phases of the Lunar Cycle.
But as Hsunchen, they can changer when they want can they not? Like the Puma people in HQ?
>re they billeted in Boldhome, and if so how many do we suppose?
The Telmori are the Prince's bodyguard. How many is unknown but I can easily see twenty to a hundred hanging around the Prince.
I like the sound of hundred. So thats what I think I will go with. Still enough on duty to cover shift patterns, time off for weddings, bar mitzvahs, those sort of things...
>The extermination of the Maboder is not covered in any grear detail.
Looking in Dragon Pass (p62), it claims that the Sartarites encroached on Telmori territory in the Wolf Ridges so the Telmori responded by destroying the Maboder.
Thanks for that. I'll check it out. Fertile story area. Anyone got any good tips for tales of one folk rising up and wiping out a whole tribe? I am reading Boudicca by Manda Scott, so there is some material there. Another idea that is forming is that the more folk are primitive the more superstitious. I am currently thinking of how the Maboder might have offended the Telmori elders....
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