> >Can someone remind me about the political situation in Pavis
> >post-Cradle?
> KoS p176 is the best (only) source.
(sigh) I was afraid of that.
> Given that SorEel is still hanging around persecuting those
> who helped the cradle to escape, it seems to me that he's still alive.
> I think he has been demoted and sent to Corflu but he still
> plots to revenge himself on the Sartarites and his successor.
Makes sense: thanks.
> As for the successor, Duke Raus has been mentioned. I think
> he will be appointed by the distant Governor-General to run
> civilian affairs only while the military command is left
> vacant (which would really piss SorEel off).
Oh, perfect! Thanks, that's exactly what I needed. A military vacuum, and a bunch of power-grabbing Humakti PCs who want to play politics... I've even got Lunar military types ready to step in.... Yum!
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