The cult could have come through the area where Carmania is now - from Sylila or Talastar, through Pelanda. It could then have travelled West through Charg towards Loskalm.
I'm wondering if the Humakt cult we've known from Runequest days has been significantly shaped by Carmanian influences. If Idovanus were conflated with Hum'akt it would explain the emphasis on Truth and Honour - as well as the passage Jane recently quoted, linking Humakt to both Light and Darkness.
>Then again, p 92 says "Humakt created the Darkness so that he could
>better tell the good things from the bad, for only he could see clearly
>by the Light of Death".
Perhaps even the name Humakt is a Carmanian form - I seem to remember that the Storm Death God was Humath at some point (and where does Humct come into the story ?)
-- -- "The T'ang emperors were strong believers in the pills of immortality. More emperors died of poisoning from ingesting minerals in the T'ang than in any other dynasty" - Eva Wong _The Shambhala Guide to Taoism_ Paul K. ------------------------------
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