> >They still look underpowered to me, but people have rushed to assure me
> >that the animists are as powerful as the rest. I'm still not quite sure
> >how they figure that, aside from fattening up personal spirits and/or
> >extrapolating beyond the given power levels in the HQ book.
> I've not followed the calculations in detail but I don't think it's
> important. Once you get above 1W3 a PC is highly specialised unless
> the narrator has been giving out HPs like confetti. So an opponent
> who has several spirits at 1W3 has a big advantage against a PC
> with one affinity or grimoire at 1W4 provided they can choose how
> they attack.
> --
> Donald Oddy
Except that you defend against magic with your strongest magical ability,
surely. And the animist (by the book) _won't_ have several spirits at 1w3,
he will have several spirits at 10w1(!), and those are at the top-end, at
least for most traditions.
I'm not sure I'm right here, but you people are side stepping the issue.
Either the animists (by the book) have as much punch as the rest, or they
It still looks to me like the animist get's quite versatile powers at
reasonable "prices", but that mostly he doesn't get the raw punch at
higher levels that theists and wizards get.