>I was talking about _my_ impressions on the material.
The material you were relying on was a talk about a draft for HeroWars and was even outdated when that came out (even in HW, one could find animist spirits in the rulebook greater than 10w). Rather unsound foundations for criticizing HQ animism, don't you think?
>The chaotic entities have all shifted to the background
>in the recent HW/HQ material. They hardly seem to be
>the soul-destroying menace they were in the RQ era.
Mainly because most RQ campaigns were adventures set in Pavis. There's far more to Glorantha than just an eternal war against Chaos as even the RQ3 Book 5, the Genertela Boxed Set and Elder Secrets showed.
>But most of all. I'm trying to stir up some civilized
>conversation here, I don't think your flame-war style is
>very conductive to that.
A good technique in conducting "civilized" conversations is to actually listen to what other people are saying and responding constructively. Whereas after the initial flaws in your argument were pointed out, you paid little attention and continued puling in the same vein.
>Me> For the record, I only described three (and a third)
> > entities out of eleven as animist cults.
>I wasn't actually referring to your list,
It might have been helpful if you had actually pointed it out at the time instead of complaining that most chaos cults have been made animist just after I posted the list.
>but the published examples in the HQ book.
What published examples are you referring to?
--Peter Metcalfe
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