>Me> I think from the example of Ronos Allwinds in Masters of Luck
> > and Death, his cult's magic is common magic.
>I'd have to disagree there. Ronos is a sorcerer and Beltinar's book is
>full of wizardry spells derived from theist myths.
That's Ronos's interpretation of Belintar's Book. Belintar's Book is not written as a formulary but as a collection of theistic myths. Ronos has simply gotten the wrong end of the stick viz-a-viz the purpose of Belintar's Book. If Belintar had given him a telephone book, Ronos would have made a formulary of that too.
Given that the Philosophy can be used by animists and theists, it still seems to me that the Pharaoh's magic is common magic. Other hints are the name of his political organization, the Holy Country, and the significance of Imarja in the Esrolian keyword.
--Peter Metcalfe
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