>> OK, I need a refresher on what happened at Castle Blue.
>Red Goddess showed up, big fight, proved herself to be a late-arriving
>part of the Compromise.
>You sure about that? I thought that she was ex-compromise. Hence,
>has other options, most notably including the use of chaos.
She HQed sufficently well to prove it to most people in central Genertala. It wasn't a complete victory though so there are still a few misguided souls who don't accept the truth.
The ability to work with chaos comes from being reborn - the gods who haven't are stuck in their pre-time habits.
>The theory I'm putting in the Earth Tribe one, BTW, is that Babs Gor
>doesn't have Death, and never had. She's got a distorted version of
>Life. The psychological theory then dives headlong into over-18 stuff,
>through sado-masochism and out the other side, to the point that I won't
>be putting it on this list, but I think it makes a weird twisted sort of
>Babs doesn't have death? Why on earth not? (excuse the pun!) She is
>a bloodthirsty murdering b*i*t*c*h!!! I like her with Death personnally.
>Makes her far morre scary IMO.
Since the Babs rune is made up of the death and earth runes (ST pg. 202) she clearly has death. However unlike Humakt which is primarily concerned with death as separation I think Babs is concerned with death in the service of life. So while Humakt kills what should be dead, Babs kills that which threatens her sisters. In both cases what makes their followers so scary is the fact that they make the decision and can't be swayed by social conventions such as weregeld.
-- Donald Oddy http://www.grove.demon.co.uk/ ------------------------------
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