Depends on the context of the story or the heroquest. It is important to remember that these myths are not consistent and do not need to be consistent. Did you perform the Arming of Orlanth before you had the Contest With the Evil Emperor? Then you cut the Emperor down with Humakt, who is Death. Who's responsible? Orlanth. Who's power was invoked? Humakt's.
I urge you to resist the impuse to over-analyze or rationalize these sacred stories.
>I do agree that Rebellus Terminus is identified with both Orlanth and
>Death and is likely to be another name for Terminatus - so if Peter
>is right about Terminatus being identified with Humakt Rebellus
>Terminatus could be identified as either of the Orlanthi gods.
Sure - although I think the Dara Happan tendency is to identify Humakt with Orlanth and get them all confused. To the extent that the Dara Happan scholars are aware of any Orlanthi deity, it is Orlanth - Rebel, Thief, Murderer and Thunderer.
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