> > Vadrus was killed "in myth" by God-Learners bastards?!"
> Personally, I think that blaming everything on the God
> Learners is like blaming everything on Trickster,
Yes, you got it right. It isn't really so. So what?! Both blames are perfectly commendable claims to make.
If we're in luck it will lead to violence...
> Alternately, perhaps he had been dead, but his worshippers thought that
> he had just become all Mystical. [..worshipping his sons, instead..]
Well, as a matter of fancy...
I HAVE been thinking about maybe Vadrus becomes all mystical, or all mystical just becomes him, except there is no Vadrus.
So he is dead and gone NOW are you blaming me a vadrus whipper?
Or worse yet, am I some son of a gagarthi scum, me? Put em' up! :)
We know many descendants of Vadrus that did survive to the History. Gagarth, Valind (and Ygg), Iphara, Molanni (and Daga)... and as a throw-in I would like to suggest 'Jononrol', who became a boastful beerserker of Vadrus's fightmate Humakt. [See ST pg 99] - This guy is credited for a fitting Gift and Geasa.
"He's no dead who can Forever Fight, even if such isn't very bright!" an anonymous discarded Drofat's dittydraft found among notes of Nochet
> > Umath is dispersed in the winds of the worlds.
> Or at least his corpse is (see Ymir, in Norse mythology).
True. Umath pieces constitute entire tracts of the old lozenge. Take an example the 'Mount Farar' aka 'The Top of The World'. Just a piece of him. Big, huh? [TR pg 151]
Note how 'Thunder Mountain' in Dorastor is almost exactly in midpoint between 'Farar' and Orlanth's mother 'Kero Fin'. Fitting, isn't it? [the Big lunar map, DLoD: The Talastar Paper's pg 3]
Legend has it one can speak directly to Orlanth up top all these Mtns.
> [Vadrudi] too small to name, or too unlucky when fighting the Devil(s),
> & God Wars. Someone had to supply all that bronze, after all. :-)
A lot of the ubiquitous bronze may possibly be from great Umath himself?
> Eurmal is a son of Umath only in the one myth.
Which myth? Now you got me intrested?
Trickster's identifaeces are ambiquous to the point of impossibility. Anyway - somewhere deep down Eurmal may be some deep truths of who the true cause of all this mischief really is. And why Orlanth bears to have him around. And my beliefs lie in that Eurmal is reflecting Umath's Law - "No one can make you do anything." - taken to extreme.
No, taken to the point of Bolongo, to be absolutely pamaltelan exact. [RM pg 31, footnote 15]
Sincerely, Topi
"There is nothing like desire for preventing the thing one says from bearing any resemblance to what one has in mind." - Marcel Proust, Rememberance of Things Past -
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