> I described the reason why in the first part of my response. To
> create a difference from ordinary combat affinities and to grade
> its effectiveness based on the "truth-value" of the target.
But why would you want to? Just throw a situational modifier in if
you want that and
depending on the circumstance. Why have one feat/affinity in the
whole game that
works differently from all the other feats? It seems
counter-productive to the design
concept of HQ is all.
> You might want to reread Thunder Rebels because it doesn't
> allow feats to migrate beyond affinities. The example is given
> there of Govoran who moves from Orlanth to Humakt p73.
> Although the referee is nice to him and allows Govoran to
> use his old combat affinity (which is a mistake as Humakt
> only has sword combat), he does not allow the Orlanthi
> combat feats to be so used.
Yup. I had misremembered the details of it.
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