> >Since the Castle Blue lay at the edge of both Carmanian
> >and Dara Happan lands
>Lake Oronin was in the heart of Old Carmania,
I doubt it. The above statement comes from what is said in the Fortunate Succession. Even if you could show that the Carmanians controlled the southern side of Lake Oronin, that does not make it (or more precisely Castle Blue) either part of or in the heart of Old Carmania. Secondly I would have thought the heart of Old Carmania to be much further to the north around the city of Shardash/Burntwall.
> >and that some of the Veth Ethdisi are said to be related to the
> >conquered Carmanians, I think it's reaching quite a bit to label
> >the dead people or their summoners Carmanians.
Because the sources do not describe them as Carmanians. The Redline History (Zero Wane) says:
"Even the Carmanians had respected the holding of Castle Blue".
All you have at best is the statement that a Carmanian married a princess of Castle Blue and their sons were upset at the Carmanian's death at the battle. But nobody describes the Carmanians as being involved in the decision - instead the Veth Ethdesi are blamed.
>opinion is that the people of Meglardirth had fallen for Valare Addi's
>Lunar influenced Pelandan revival.
I don't think the Chronology bears you out. Valare is manumitted in 1232 (corrected from 1238) in Karasal and meets the Goddess in Yuthuppa eight years later (1240). Valare then goes to Pelanda and has several hundred followers before the confrontation with the Goddess in 1243 which is described as putting a halt to her heresy. She then leaves Pelanda for Yuthuppa for a year and from there to First Blessed where she is when the Goddess becomes the Red Moon.
As it is, her cult is simply not that big enough to justify the attack on Meglardinth and the nub of the disagreement was over a death in the family, not of Pelandan revival (which the Castle Blues would have no problem with).
>This offended the Veth Ethdisi and
>their Carmanian relatives, who sought the most effective tool to remove
>the Lunar taint from the shores of Lake Oronin. The army of the dead
>was that tool.
The Carmanian relatives are in the north still reeling from the Battle of the Four Arrows of Light. The cause of the dispute was between the Sons of Darbeest and the Lunars in Meglardinth.
> >Humakti using dead people? Rather contrary to what
> >else has been known about them.
>The Carmanian Hum'akt is, IMHO, very different from the Orlanthi
Except we have no record of them or the Carmanians in general using vast hordes of dead.
>Even so, it is known that Humakti do allow the dead to return
>under the proper circumstances (resurrection).
Humakti cannot be resurrected. What you are thinking of is a resurrectee that _joins_ Humakt because of the relife sickness.
>Humakt himself brought
>the Einherjar (dead warriors) to fight at Four Arrows of Light.
He didn't. The reference states that Humakt had no einherjar at Four Arrows when he fought Yanafal.
--Peter Metcalfe
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