> From: Peter Metcalfe <metcalph_at_quicksilver.net.nz>
> Except that it pretty much has been described in terms
> of a monoculture.
Ahh, it is monoculture in Glorantha. So then I would have to go for
the "myth yet to be" if
I wanted to do this. In that case I would definitely put it as an
option for how to get the
corn yields up without the bloodshed. A myth yet to be put into
place. That could be fun.
Honeel is the goddess of corn, not
> the goddess of corn, beans and squash.
Obviously. What a silly notion. I wasn't calling it the "Three
Sisters" approach because I
thought HonEel suddenly split herself in 3.
> ------------------------------
[Jane Williams]
> Maybe it's a misunderstood heroquest.
> "If you want to grow maize really well, you need both
> her sisters in the same field."
> "Do I? Right, find a priestess of each to be chopped
> up and dug in..."
LOL! That's great. IF, indeed, Maize has always been described as
monoculture in
Glorantha, then I think this idea best falls into the "myth to be".
Although, looking at your
idea... I've been assuming for some reason that the sacrifice has to
be male. A sort of
"Year King" idea. But am I wrong there? Could it just be any blood
sacrifice? IF so,
you're idea has a very perverse appeal.
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