Heck! I bet you're right.
But it makes nice blasphemy, methinks ;P. Seriously, even usable for gaming if one wishes. Just design foreigners who make claims of knowing powerful Vingkot myths, and try to get a community (or heroes) to look into them. Who knows what their reasons? Maybe the charlatans think they're onto something real? Maybe their out to do harm, trying to lure community into futile heroquests, trying out non-existant myths? Losing people on otherworlds usually gets rid of em good. Maybe some imperial int-agents consider Vingkot worshippers dangerous and seek to eradicate some of them seeking too desperately an edge to be Victorious once again. And finally, who is to say there is _no_ East Isle somewhere where they might misappliedly worship Vith as stormstylish High King?
What I do claim, is that some kind of analogies can be drawn between Vingkot and Vith - it's simple as triviality. Why I got into posting any is because I was thinking about analogies between Arkat and Humakt, and I analysed my own thinking. Similarities I find in Humakt and Arkat are really on one hand just about as loose as is this bizarre Vingkot- parallelism. On the other hand, "Arkat was very much like Humakt" IMSHO somehow feels right. Unlike Vith-Vingkot relation, in the latter I can believe in. And actually I am just wondering and pondering this "Gloranthan Feel" thing and what brings it about. Bear with me.
I'm drifting towards thinking that mostly anything, if well enough explained, can be gloranthan - not necessarily true in glorantha, but acceptably brought into gloranthan context somehow.
> Janeera Alone was not from the mystic East. She was likely from one
> of people between Kerofinea and the Solar Empire. On the Arcane Lore
> map, it would appear that the On Jorri folk resided in Saird. Then
> again, those maps probably shouldn't be taken as literal
> correspondences. However, I don't think there is any way to identify
> the On Jorri with the easterners.
But suppose that some folks bumped on heroquesting awesome powers of Vith-Vingkot myths that do not exist in the first place (and neither they non-exist either). We know they are squarely doomed!! Assume nontheless that they make it, and for arguments sake, say the heroquesters are exemplary Vingkot worshippers all of them, becoming their god most fully on the quest. And assume that they do indeed minglke in some Vithalash mythos and somehow while being their god Vingkot they re-enact some major Vith myth like "How Vith pacified the Antigods". So if they make it - maybe they fixed their trickster right?, maybe sunspider intervened? - and thus happens, then what is likely to happen? What can happen? How much can things change?
(I'm propably wondering how different otherworlds bar & back each other? What kind of effects may some succesfully established syntheses have?)
"There is nothing like desire for preventing the thing one says from bearing any resemblancce to what one has in mind." - Marcel Proust, Rememberance of Things Past -
End of Glorantha Digest, Vol 11, Issue 130
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