I must admit, I am not a fan of using the word "hurricane" in Glorantha.
Part of this is simply rooted in the meaning of the word.
The word "hurricane" comes from the Carib Indians of the West Indies who
called them huracan, probably derived from the Mayan storm god, Hunraken; or
the Quiche god of thunder and lightning, hurakan; or other Caribbean Indian
terms for evil spirit and big wind. The Spanish modified it to hurricane.
It seems to me the Orlanthi have many more words for types of storms than
we do - Ohorlanth, various Umbroli storms, Heler storms, the Defender Wind,
the Valind Storm, Vadrudi Storms, the Howler, and so on. Probably all these
are lumped together as umbroli or even Orlanthi - which would mean it is
more likely that they would say something like Come the Umbroli or Gather
the Orlanthi or even Come Great Orlanth, than use a word derived from a
Mayan storm god. But that's just me complaining.
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