>I must admit, I am not a fan of using the word "hurricane" in Glorantha.
>Part of this is simply rooted in the meaning of the word.
You don't like it because its derived from a Storm God!?! :)
As with most Gloranthan words, its obviously a gloss or a partial translation, and should be taken as poetic and evocative as much as literal.
Weather works differently on Glorantha, so obviously no term will be a perfect fit.
But a hurricane is big, wet, violent, ever-changing, loud, far-ranging, irresistble, dangerous, unsubtle, frequently-deadly, a bringer of rain, hail, lighting and thuinder, the biggest-kid-on-the-block, and generally impossible to ignore.
That sounds pretty 'Orlanth' to me.
And lets face it, ascribing moral quantities - be they good or evil - to a 200 kph fury that's ripping the roof off your stead requires a degree of abstration and detachment that's not entirely congruent with the Orlanthi temperament.
I certainly agree that the heortlings have a *host* of words for wind and storm, and for the powers that inhabit and embody and direct them.
My biggest hassle with 'hurricane' is that its very difficult to rhyme.
At least 'thunder' gives us blunder, plunder, chunder, sunder, wonder, asunder..
All very orlanthi words.
Upcumen Gewidre!!
(Just one more sleep till Hitchhiker's)
On the way back, they sang a number of tuneful and reflective songs on the subjects of peace, justice, morality, culture, sport, family life, and the obliteration of all other life forms.
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