>> So instead, here are my notes on the Lunar Forces in Sartar
>> prior to the
>> futile war between Tarsh and the Grazelanders in 1615.
>1615? We were just looking for a suitable war in that sort of period....
>1614 would have been even better, but that'll do.
Might have to travel a little ways away from Sartar for something good in 1614 - however, Greymane of the Solanthi has his First Great Raid of the Holy Country that year.
>> Fazzur Wideread, as
>> Governor-General of Dragon Pass, was prominently involved in
>> that indecisive
>> set of raids and counterraids - and its overall failure was a
>> black mark on the great general's reputation.
>Dear me. How sad :)
I think actually the Grazelander War may have cost Fazzur a fair amount of support in Mirin's Cross - not enough to take him down, but enough to erode some of his reputation amongst the court of the Provincial Overseer. And Fazzur is better at war and dealing with barbarian tribes than at court politics.
>So who was on the other side, and who was "organising" it, and are they
>likely to hire mercenaries?
Let's see, one side is the Grazelanders, led by Jarsandron Ten Herds, and later joined by Ironhoof and the Beasts. The other side is the kingdom of Tarsh and the Provincial Army. Both are likely to hire mercenaries. Although I think the Tarshites pay better.
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