Not a problem, our band of wandering mercs isn't Sartar-based anyway.
> - however, Greymane of the Solanthi has his First Great Raid
> of the Holy Country that year.
That was what we'd found so far.
> >So who was on the other side, and who was "organising" it,
> and are they
> >likely to hire mercenaries?
> Let's see, one side is the Grazelanders, led by Jarsandron Ten Herds,
> and later joined by Ironhoof and the Beasts. The other side is the
> kingdom of Tarsh and the Provincial Army. Both are likely to hire
> mercenaries. Although I think the Tarshites pay better.
Ah, but our primary concern is Honour, not cash. (Probably why we don't seem to do too well). Probably on the Grazelander side, I think.
Thanks. I'll put that to the rest of the group. It's all backstory, anyway.
End of Glorantha Digest, Vol 11, Issue 136
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