Volume 6, Number 4, April/May 2005
~~ S l u r p F o l k s ! ~~
Welcome to the April/May Tentacles News Post, featuring all the latest Tentacles news and views. Feel free to forward this newsletter to friends, allies and sworn enemies. If you do not want to receive this newsletter or have a new email address please send notification to: fabian_at_tentacles-convention.de
~ 2 W e e k s u n t i l G r a n d e z z a ~
Wow, it's only 2 more weeks until we all reunite for good or better! Time for all of us to pack up our Tentacles gear!
We are booked solid with over 170 people, all FreeForms are filled up and Tentacles is again the place where the 'Great Old Ones' choose to assemble for gaming.
There are even some new additions to our website! Check out our online Tentacles Scrapbook.
There is of course more news, guests and games added to the programme. So read carefully - there is some informations you will hate to miss...
And watch out for more tentacled news next week!
~ N e w T e n t a c l e d S p o n s o r ~
We are happy to announce a new sponsor for Tentacles! Many Kudos to Rick Meints from MoonDesign!
Visit their website:
~ T h e I m m o r t a l H e r o b a n d ~
S t a f f o r d, Greg
Greg is back! The legendary creator of Glorantha is
back to spread more news and gossip, tell more stories,
bring more myths to life, meet more people, hear and answer
more questions and play more games! Well, he is a full year
behind.... Ask him about Mexico, Pendragon and check if he can
still handle that lighter to open a bottle of beer for you!
P e t e r s e n, Sandy
What would Tentacles be without him!? The tireless Great Old One
will be around again and he's written a new CoC-FreeForm for us:
'A Night at the Opera'! Sandy will of course host another legendary
'Horror Lottery Game' and generally keep the crowd entertained and
the Infoshrine Staff on its toes! Try to beat him in a Gameboy Game
of your choice...
K r a n k, Charlie
We are proud to host Mr. Krank this year! He is not just
another Giant of Gaming but the President of Chaosium Inc. and a
BBQ expert! Charlie did editing, layout, design, development, writing,
drawing maps and cover layout for Chaosium games and books for 26
years. Just look at the credits of ANY Chaosium product! Get him
drinks and listen up!
W h i t a k e r, Lawrence
Loz our Eternal Champion, Straw Dog and beloved friend will guide us
to new gaming shores this year! Follow him on his journey to Gwenthia!
Besides earning free drinks by reading fiction he will game, game, game....
B r a y, Simon
Simon the monstermachine of writing, drawing, editing and publishing
will strike us with awe again by presenting a new Glorantha FreeFrom:
'The Wulf came in from the Cold'! Step back and let him and his team of
authors and GMs entertain you!
S i m s, Darran
Darran is co-founder of the 'Ring of HeroQuest Narrators' (RHQN) and is
tireless in bringing truth and light to the roleplaying masses at
conventions in the northern hemisphere! As an excellent author and
narrator he will bring Glorantha to life at Tentacles with an exclusive
Episode in grandezza!
H a w l e y, Dr. Martin
Martin is the main author of 'Men of the Sea' and a first-class
webresearcher! He will host an exclusive HeroQuest Episode of epic
proportions featuring ships, sea, naval battles and a little more!
Be there for: 'Hell or Highwater?'! Just what the tribe is waiting
E v a n s, Sarah
Sarah is our featured artist this year! She has a knack for drawing,
painting, sewing and modeling everything Gloranthan and is bringing
some of her art to sell. With her help we will have a new Trollball
Trollkin since the old one enjoys his retirement in the Infoshrine!
S c h i e m i c h e n, Wolfgang
The famed and feared German CoC gamemaster, teacher, actor and
phantomist clown will be around again and unleash horror at random
victims and the usual and unusual subjects!
M a s o n, Mike
Mike is the shoggoth behind 'The Whisperer' zine, as well as founder of
the 'Kult of Keepers' - a traveling cadre of Cthulhu Keepers who run
numerous games at conventions including the annual UK CoC Nationals
Tournament. He also looks after convention support for Chaosium in the
UK. Mike likes nothing more than being bought drinks and talking about
horror films late into the night, of course. He will, he will...
~ S p e c i a l A p p e a r a n c e s ~
H e l l e r, Frank
With Frank Pegasus sends us an additional special force to strengthen
the German CoC frontline this year. Frank is not only a trained legal
person but the respected chief editor for CoC in Germany.
S t e i n e s, Jan Christoph
Jani is the business manager of the Pegasus publishing wing and the
German CoC line of books, CoC editor a trained legal person and also a
fun CoC Keeper in just one person. He will surely add a tentacle to
himself this year!
~ G r a n d e z z a F r e e F o r m s ~
T h e W u l f c a m e i n f r o m t h e C o l d by Simon Bray and Martin Hawley, with assistance from Mark Galeotti and Colin Driver.
Across the frigid, icy wilderness the wolves sing their haunting lament. They sense the world is ending. The great god Orlanth is dead, killed by Lunar sorcery. His warriors have fallen; his tribes are dying, unable to draw breath. The once proud land of Sartar lies humbled and frozen before its crimson foe.
Where once the mighty Creek flowed there is nothing but hoarfrost. No flowers bloom in the hill pastures, and the women who collected them lie frozen in the fields. An ancient tower which was once filled with feasting warlords is now home to cowering and broken old men, who huddle around a last spark of life. Beneath them whisper the ghost of their pasts, hungry and waiting for their ends to come.
To the east the Wulf is stirring, called to duty, by the cries of his enemies. He plans to make a new den, to taste new flesh and destroy the weak. The moon is full and his mistress calls to him. Dangerford shall be his new home, and perhaps his last.
Out of the snow, strangers approach, blown by the ice storm and driven by hunger and need. Their lives hang like icicles in the wind; will they receive what they need to survive? What do they bring to aid the survival of the clan?
But far away a wind is blowing, a new wind, and the first breaths of a new world born of violence. Those who hear it awaken, renewed. Can deaf ears and dulled minds hear its message? Do they want to? Or are the folk of Dangerford forever locked in their dying cycle. Will their kin forgive their sins, their bloody alliances and wicked deeds?
Join in the lives, losses and loves of the Dolutha Clan of Dangerford. Can you help them break free from the Winter Curse? March with the glorious Lunar Army; come spread the word of the Goddess and make the world whole again.
D a t a: A dark and twisted Glorantha FreeForm for 35 players.
T i m i n g: Saturday Afternoon.
B o x e d a n d S a f e
von Gunnar Kotsch und Karsten Sassenberg
Eingeschlossen in ungeheurer Tiefe wird etwas bewacht, dass das Licht nicht sehen sollte. In einem Granitfelsen mitten im Atlantik. Auf keiner Karte ist dieser Ort verzeichnet. Wissen wird zur gefaehrlichsten Waffe, die man sich denken kann. Wenn Kontrollspezialist Mc Rill tatsaechlich wuesste, wie man sich IHM naehern koennte oder wie es hinunterginge, waere auch er nicht mehr sicher. Wenn er doch nur diesen verdammten Job hinter sich gebracht haette. Leute seiner Qualifikation muss man auf der ganzen Welt suchen. Und trotzdem ist er mit dem Gehalt, das ihn erwartet voellig ueberbezahlt. Seit gestern wird er ein seltsames Gefuehl nicht los...
D a t a: Ein diplomatisches Call of Cthulhu FreeForm fuer 25 Spieler.
T i m i n g: Sunday Afternoon.
A N i g h t a t t h e O p e r a
by Sandy Petersen
A small theatrical group finds the long-lost manuscript of the legendary Don Juan Triumphant and decides to put on this amazing modern opera. No singing ability required. Modern attire appropriate.
D a t a: A horror Mini-FreeForm for 12 people, directed and written by Sandy Petersen. Duration 3 hours.
T i m i n g: Saturday 1st Run, Sunday 2nd Run.
~ G r a n d e G a m e s ~
H e l l o r H i g h w a t e r ?
by Dr. Martin Hawley
There is trouble in paradise! The idyllic Hanafarador Islands, nestled in the northern Venperhan Ocean, are under threat. For some reason the waters around the islands are rising. Many coastal villages are extremely close to being lost beneath the waves. In recent weeks all those that seek to fish or travel between islands have had to turn back as terrible monsters and living water swamp boats and prowl the beach at night.
All know that this is somehow connected to the continuing rise of the demonic Andins. The terrible horned Andins are attacking shipping, ransacking outer islands, and sacrificing locals on altars to a new deity called the Red Sun. Queen Hirensanova has sought out the bravest heroes to help in a powerful mission that she hopes will help defend her islands against the rising waters and the terrible demons.
Data: A HeroQuest Episode for 5 players.
W i n t e r s W a r r i o r s
by Darran Sims
As initiates of Inora, Goddess of the Mountain Snow, normally you are on the fringes of society as solitary hunters or warriors of the mountains. But now Orlanth is Dead! The land is locked in winter. Suddenly the 'Winter Warriors' are require to save the clan and its tula in the mountains. The dangers of winter are magnified as ice demons roam the peaks, snowfall cuts off all the lodges and the food stocks run low. On top of that, vast columns of smoke rise from the flat lands and come closer and closer. Villages are being burnt down and destroyed. Are the Lunars responsible? Can the winter warriors stop their advance?
D a t a: A HeroQuest Episode for 6 players. Age 12+. Newcomers welcome. Maturity preferred. NEW! Solely available at Tentacles!
I n t o t h e T r e e s
by Darran Sims
The Lunars have encroached upon the territory of an allied clan, taking over an abandoned fort southeast of the clan's main settlement of Talask. Two Maran Gori priestesses are missing and are presumed captured by the enemy. They must be recovered at any cost and the Imperials forced to pay! However trees have sprouted and suddenly grown in the village, they are even growing though the buildings. Is this some Lunar trickery or is it something more sinister coming from the dark, dark forest?
D a t a: A HeroQuest Episode for 7 players. Age 12+. Newcomers welcome. Maturity preferred.
H i g h C i t a d e l
by Darran Sims
Cold and wind-blasted on top of a mountain, you look down with despair! The only way off this god-forsaken piece of rock is across a wide gorge, at the bottom of which is a raging river. The only way across the river is by the bridge - a broken bridge. The foul Lunars, a whole bloody battalion of them, are across on the other side and are right now repairing the bridge so that they can get across at you!
D a t a: A HeroQuest Episode for 7 players. Age 12+. Newcomers welcome. Maturity preferred.
T h e T a l e T h e f t
by David Dunham
Mysterious strangers have interfered in your clan rituals, and have taken one of your myths. In fact, you no longer know what the sampo is. Your task is to heroquest and regain the myth.
D a t a: A HeroQuest Episode for 7 players. Characters provided.
V o n d e r K u n s t e i n e n F u e r s t e n
z u b e f r i e d i g e n
von Alexander Dotor
Dem Fuersten von Dajanpol Rabur mangelt es an Standfestigkeit - und die Thronfolge ist noch nicht gesichert! Ein Leben im Luxus winkt demjenigen, der ein Staerkungsmittel kennt. Eigentlich kein Problem fuer die Koechin der 9x9x9 Huehnerdelikatessen und ihren beruehmten Brei aus Geraden Bananen - wenn nicht vor einiger Zeit jemand den Wunderbaum gemopst haette. Und justament taucht dieser beruehmte Magier auf und beginnt, belebene Elixiere an den Mann zu bringen ...
D a t a: Eine HeroQuest Episode in Teshnos fuer 6 standhafte Frauen und Maenner.
~ C h a o s L o t t e r y G a m e ~
I n s i d e t h e E m p i r e
by Greg Stafford
Players will each play a Lunar Association, with its Leagues as Abilities, in a rivalry to take over the resources of a newly opened region. Will include "character generation" as part of the game.
D a t a: A HeroQuest Episode for 5 players. Lottery ticket 3,- Euro.
~ H o r r o r L o t t e r y G a m e ~
T h e D e r e l i c t
by Sandy Petersen
Modern-era nautical action with Sandy. Death in the icy depths of the North Sea.
D a t a: A Call of Cthulhu adventure by Sandy Petersen for 6 people. Duration 4-6 hours. Lottery ticket 3,- Euro.
~ C t h u l h u S t r i k e s B a c k !~
The Kult of Keepers proudly present the following classic scenarios for your delectation at Tentacles 2005. The Kult of Keepers (KoK) are a traveling band of games masters who delight in devising and running Call of Cthulhu games at conventions around the world. The KoK devise and run the annual Call of Cthulhu UK National Tournament with appreciated support from Chaosium Inc.
Each scenario will run once over the course of the convention.
L a d y H u n t - S t a n t o n ’ s H o u s e P a r t y by Rik Kershaw Moore, Keeper – Mike Mason
Wedmore Lodge is a beautiful country estate as most of high society knows. Lady Jessica Hunt – Stanton’s house parties are just the business! Drinks, socializing, picnics and hunting! It’ll be a blast!
D a t a: A Call of Cthulhu Twenties adventure.
T h e Y e a r o f t h e D e v i l
by Wim van Hove, Keeper – Wim van Hove
996 has been a rough year for the inhabitants of Ghent. It started so well with an early Spring but this soon made way for a long hot summer and a very rainy autumn. Crops are failing, heralding a hard winter. And if this imminent famine isn't hard enough, people are starting to disappear too...
D a t a: A Call of Cthulhu Dark Ages adventure.
S p o r t f o r A l l
by Keary Birch, Keeper – Keary Birch
It’s February and the year is 1896. The one thousand year celebrations of the Hungarian Empire that are taking place all this year. It’s a time for celebration. Enjoy the ride and get acquainted with your traveling companions as you journey together to Athens for the Olympic Games.
D a t a: A Call of Cthulhu Gaslight adventure.
M i l a n C o n f e r e n c e
by Rik Kershaw-Moore, Keepers – Rik Kershaw-Moore & Wim van Hove
Respected members in the field of Archaeology, Egyptology and Mummification, you are invited to attend the 14th Mummification Congress at the Hotel Milanoflori Convention Centre in Milan. Don’t forget to pack your shorts and swimwear – remember there’s a heat wave on!
D a t a: A Call of Cthulhu Modern Day adventure.
H o l i d a y o f a L i f e t i m e
by Dave Lewis, Keepers – Matt Nixon & Wim van Hove
You deserve it. You’ve worked hard your entire life to be where you are today. You're the richest of the rich and the elite of the social and business worlds. Time to play and take time out from the schedule. Remember, you deserve it.
D a t a: A Call of Cthulhu Modern Day adventure.
T h e H o r r o r o f S l a c k M o o r by Rik Kershaw-Moore, Keeper – Rik Kershaw-Moore
Cattle and livestock are going astray in Slackdene. What secrets does the sleepy Yorkshire village hold? Get your tickets and catch the train to Harrogate for adventure!
D a t a: A Call of Cthulhu Twenties adventure.
K i n g
by Keary Birch, Keeper – Keary Birch
A smell of disinfectant.
Clean crisp sheets wrap around your body.
Total darkness.
Something rattles nearby.
The air around you suddenly feels cold…
D a t a: A Call of Cthulhu Modern Day adventure.
W i t h F r i e n d s l i k e T h i s by Matt Nixon, Keeper – Matt Nixon
What do you do when you're invited to stay with an old flame at her family home on the coast? Bring all of your friends of course!!! After all, they'll be there for you...
D a t a: A Call of Cthulhu Modern Day adventure.
H o w t h e W e s t W a s L o s t
by Paul Fricker, Keeper – Paul Fricker
It's just past Valentines Day, 1873. Last week news arrived from Sears Brook that Judge W. Turner was killed in cold blood by the Clancy gang. Marshal Epstein was also gunned down whilst defending Judge Turner from these outlaws. It is up to you with the authority of the State of California behind you to bring these men to justice.
D a t a: A Call of Cthulhu Gaslight – America adventure.
~ T e n t a c l e s S a t u r d a y N i g h t S p e c i a l ~
The KoK will be running 3 very special scenarios Saturday night at Tentacles – pre-registration is required for each scenario. Please follow the links for your pre-registration!
H e s i t a t i o n
T.G. Gatsby, the famed entrepreneur, invites you to the society event of the year at his newly acquired mansion. Black tie. RSVP.
D a t a: A Call of Cthulhu adventure. For 6 pre-registered players.
R e g i s t r a t i o n: http://pcholt.com/fff_single.php?game=4
D e v i a t i o n
A night in Coombewortth House with dinner and drinks and a little on the side.
D a t a: A Call of Cthulhu adventure. For 6 pre-registered players.
R e g i s t r a t i o n: http://pcholt.com/fff_single.php?game=5
R e p e t i t i o n
The history of Sussex is rich and varied. Enjoy a weekend away with friends. What could possibly go wrong?
D a t a: A Call of Cthulhu adventure. For 6 pre-registered players.
R e g i s t r a t i o n: http://pcholt.com/fff_single.php?game=6
T h e C u l t u r e o f t h e D i r t y D o z e n by Sean Varney
On the night of 9-10 July 1943, an Allied armada of 2,590 vessels launched one of the largest combined operations of World War II — the invasion of Sicily. For some it was a chance to win back their freedom from the firing squad, for others a chance to strike a blow at Mussolini’s secret of secrets. But for others it was just a one-way ticket to HELL.
D a t a: A Call of Cthulhu adventure for max. 12 players.
P r o j e k t O m e g a - R a y
von Harald Stetzer
Wir schreiben das Jahr 2005. Die Charaktere sind Mitglieder eines geheimen Forschungsprojektes der US-Army. Die Forschungsbasis befindet sich irgendwo in der Wueste.
D a t a: Ein Call of Cthulhu Scenario fuer max. 7 Spieler. Die Charaktere werden gestellt. Zum mitspielen sind keinerlei Vorkenntnisse noetig. Spieldauer 6-8 Stunden.
D a s G e h e i m n i s v o n K n o s s o s von Nils Hinrichsen
Die Hochzeit eines gemeinsamen Freundes fuehrt Euch nach Kreta zu den Ausgrabungsstaetten der minoischen Kultur. Kurzfassung einer Bildungsreise fuer vier bis sechs Investigatoren.
D a t a: Ein Call of Cthulhu Scenario auch fuer Einsteiger. Charaktere werden gestellt. Dauer ca. 6h.
O a t h o f B l o o d
mit Jan Christoph Steines
Wenn ein Auftraggeber ruft, beeilen sich die meisten Spielercharaktere. Noch mehr gilt das, wenn dieser Auftraggeber Dutch Schultz heißt. Denn Dutch Schultz ist in den 1920ern der unbestrittene Gangsterkoenig New Yorks. Ein Gangsterkoenig steckt natuerlich weder in Schwierigkeiten, noch hat er Probleme, aber es gibt dennoch Dinge, die ihm laestig sind. Wie die rivalisierenden Gangster, die vor kurzem wie aus dem Nichts aufgetaucht sind und sich ungeniert auf dem Gebiet von Dutch Schultz breit machen. Der Mord an den Booker-Bruedern bringt das Fass zum ueberlaufen.
D a t a: Ein Call of Cthulhu Scenario fuer 4 Spieler. Charaktere werden gestellt. Dauer: 4-5 Stunden.
D a o l o t h s e r s t e r S c h l e i e r mit Frank Heller
Physikerkongress in Berlin, 1927... Das kann nichts Gutes bedeuten - jedenfalls wenn man Cthulhu spielt!
D a t a: Ein Call of Cthulhu Scenario fuer 3 Spieler. Charaktere werden gestellt. Dauer: 3-4 Stunden. Das bislang unveroeffentlichte Abenteuer wird 2006 bei Pegasus Press erscheinen.
S c a r s
by Lawrence Whitaker
Every year the villagers of the Scarclimb Vale prepare for the ritual attacks of the Iqari who, with the ascendancy of Dagaz, are at the height of their powers. This year, the attacks did not come. Despite their relief at being spared, Consul yr-Raemanil is concerned: why has such an implacable foe as the Iqari not harried the Vale's people? Indeed, why have so few Iqari been seen in the skies above and around Scarclimb Rise? Acting beyond his authority as Consul, yr-Raemanil has instructed his regional investigators, the group known as the Maet'ěn, to venture into the Scarclimb territories in pursuit of answers. It is a perilous mission: Scarclimb is the Iqari's realm and denied to Cromaigne. No one has ventured into the mountains and returned; can the Maet'ěn succeed where death has been the only previous reward?
D a t a: 'Scars' is an epic scenario for up to 8 players, set in the new, collective world of Gwenthia, and specifically on the island of Cromaigne, being developed at ‘The Tavern’ (www.tavern.org.uk). The adventurers, playing the Maet'ěn (pronounced may-THEEN), will uncover dark secrets about Cromaigne's past and disturbing hints of its future. The scenario will be in the form of a mini-campaign split into two or three sessions, run across the weekend. Background information on Cromaigne, including characters for the game, will be provided at Tentacles. The game system is Basic Roleplaying (BRP), and so familiar to most Tentacles players.
A H o m e b y t h e S e a II.
by Pittel
Beowulf vs Resident Evil continues...
Since the Melnibonéan Overlords vanished, the Fjord of Bjarnstead is
cursed. No one has been there for centuries but potential Artifacts of
the Golden Empire are still waiting to be discovery. Are you prepared
for richness or death?
D a t a: A high-powered Stormbringer Scenario for 6 players.
R o a d t o B a a k s h a a n
von Carsten Strasen
Was einst fruchtbare Erde war mit riesigen gruenen Weiden ist nun erstart. Die Felder sind ausgedoerrt und vertrocknet. Die wenigen Baeume sind nur mehr trostlose Stuempfe oder stehen wie Skelette in der Landschaft. Die einst wunderschoenen Windmuehlen sind verlassen und nur noch Ruinen. Es gibt kein Korn mehr, was zu mahlen waere. Nur noch Sand und Staub. Und in dieser Landschaft auf einer staubigen Straße erleben die zusammengewuerfelten Charaktere ein einmaliges Abenteuer. War es Zufall, der sie zusammenbrachte oder verbindet sie mehr als sie dachten?
D a t a: Ein Stormbringer Scenario fuer 6 Spieler.
T h e C a l l i n g
by Louis Kolkman
Tomorrow is your day! You will become a knight! But first you, and your friends have to spend the night in prayer and meditation, in a lonely chapel...
D a t a: Pendragon Scenario for 5 player knights.
~ G r a i l L o t t e r y G a m e ~
F o r e s t S a u v a g e
by Greg Stafford
Knights adventure in the Forest Sauvage to resolve their personal crises.
D a t a: Pendragon Scenario for 5 player knights. Pendragon characters provided. Lottery ticket 3,- Euro.
S u p e r w o r l d
von Volker Vincon
Die Heldengruppe der Elementals muessen einen Angriff einer Gruppe von Magiern abwehren, deren Kraefte ebenfalls auf den Elementen basieren.
D a t a: Ein Superworld Scenario fuer 3-5 Spieler. Charaktere werden gestellt.
B a t t l e a t t h e H i l l o f G o l d by Grégory Privat
The Hill of Gold: sacred site and HeroQuest location for almost every religion on the Lozenge, even if they all have their own reasons for its importance. However yours is not to reason why, but to lead your glorious army to capture the place, your religious advisers tell you. The Sun Domers want to keep it, but it's under attack from Lunars, Trolls, Orlanthi, and Durulz (don't ask). Lead your troops to take the Hill, then defend it from all comers!
D a t a: A tabletop miniatures war game for 5 players.
E i n e a r c h a e o l o g i s c h e R e i s e u m 1 2 5 0
v. C h r.
von Claudia Loroff
Ihr seid Mitglieder bzw. Bedienstete einer angesehenen aegyptischen Gelehrten-Familie. Euer Ruf ist weithin bekannt und ihr hab schon den einen oder anderen Auftrag im Namen von Ramses II erfolgreich uebernommen. Erfolgreich deshalb, weil ihr noch immer lebt. Ramses II ist zwar sehr großzuegig, wenn seine Auftraege erfolgreich ausgefuehrt werden, doch bei Misserfolg...
Seit einiger Zeit hattet ihr Ruhe und konntet euch euren archaeologischen Studien widmen – gerade habt ihr in einem alten Steinmetzgrab ein paar interessante und aufschlussreiche historische Steintafeln zu Cheops gefunden. Doch ploetzlich werdet ihr zu Ramses II gerufen. Mit einem mulmigen Gefuehl besteigt ihr eure Barke und folgt dem Ruf eures Pharaos, unwissend, wo euch euer naechster Auftrag hinfuehren wird...
D a t a: Abenteuer fuer eine 3-4 koepfige aegyptische Familie. Zudem sind der Sklavenaufseher und 1-2 ausgewaehlte Leibsklaven spielbar (max. 5 Spieler). Spielercharaktere werden vorgegeben, koennen aber auch angepasst werden. Das Setting ist cthuluid, ist aber nicht wirklich an ein Regelsystem gebunden. Dauer: ca. 4-5 Stunden. Achtung: Es wird sehr frei gespielt! Es kommt mehr auf das Rollenspiel denn auf das Wuerfeln an!
T h e W e r e w o l v e s o f B a c h a r a c h with Nils Hinrichsen
The remote castle of Bacharach is walled off from the outside world as a werewolf is attacking its inhabitants - the players - every night. Will you manage to identify the werewolves, and kill them before they take over? Will you as a werewolf manage to deceive the others about your identity?
D a t a: A minimum of eight players required; for up to 18 participants. Each round approximately 30min - several rounds this evening. Come and go possible.
More Grande Games added soon!
~ G r a n d e S e m i n a r s ~
A n I n t r o d u c t i o n t o G w e n t h i a
In the autumn of 2004, members of ‘The Tavern’ embarked on an ambitious project to develop an entirely new roleplaying world. Intended to be used with Chaosium's 'Basic Roleplaying' rules, Gwenthia is a huge collaborative project to develop the places, people, politics and creatures of these new lands.
After several months of work, Gwenthia is now ready for presentation to a wider audience, and we are proud to announce that Tentacles has been chosen for the first presentation of the project. This seminar will introduce:
The background to the project
Key themes being developed
Resumes of the different lands in development
Plans for the future
In addition to presentations by those involved in its development, a CD is being prepared that attendees may take away and use as a new setting for their roleplaying games. Gwenthia is ready for play, and even though still in development, there is more than enough information to give gamemasters and players a solid, new world for exploration and adventure.
So join Simon Bray, Colin Driver, David Gordon, Darran Sims, Lawrence Whitaker and friends at the Introduction to Gwenthia seminar and help us celebrate this intriguing new project.
T h e h i s t o r y o f C a l l o f C t h u l h u i n
G e r m a n y
by Frank Heller, Cthulhu Line Editor, Germany
2006 approaches - this means 25 years of Call of Cthulhu worldwide, and 20 years of Cthulhu in Germany. The game has seen rough times and glorious ones. The era of Hobby Products, the first "Golden Age" of Laurin, the hated Ars Ludi edition, the Dark Times In Between, and the era Pegasus. An in-depth overview of the history of our favorite horror RPG in Germany, with many stories and facts that were not publicly known before.
G e r m a n C a l l o f C t h u l h u - T h e s e c r e t o f o u r s u c c e s s by Frank Heller, Cthulhu Line Editor, Germany
Heard of Cthulhu Dark Ages? We published it in 2002. Heard of upcoming Malleus Monstrorum? It has been in German shops since 2003. Have you seen Worlds of Cthulhu magazine? Its mother magazine "Cthuloide Welten" has existed since 2001. Have you seen Origins Award-winning rulebook design by Chaosium? The German CoC has used that design since 1999. Who is behind German Call of Cthulhu? What is the secret of our success? What can you expect from us in the future, and what will you see from us in the English language?
More Grande Seminars added soon!
~ N e w M a i l i n g L i s t f o r T e n t a c l e s ~
With the help of our steadfast technical adviser Paul Holt we have activated professional server-based mailing list software that will remove the need for Fabian to send out each newsletter manually to each list member. Make sure your e-mail address is included (if it isn't already) by sending a message with the subject 'subscribe' to:
~ C o o l T e n t a c l e s G o o d i e s a v a i l a b l e ! ~
A great way to help Tentacles is to check out:
and order the cool Tentacles Goodies available there!
Make sure you get one of the oversized Tentacles Group Photos (20x30 cm) for your empty, cold walls! Or just have a look at the happy faces!
Another great item is the Tentacles Compilation CD! It is a browseable Photo-CD with pictures from Tentacles 2000-2004 + extra goodies!
While you there make sure to order our fund-raisers Ybot 4 & Ybot 5 as well!
~ W h a t e l s e w i l l h a p p e n ? ~
Enjoy 3 days of Non-Stop Quality Gaming, participate in tourist scaring 'Trollball Mayhem', be eyewitness to Random Infoshrine Madness, marvel at the 'Refill Beer Fridge' Feat at 10W2, bask in the wonderful 'Castle Illumination', listen to Live Music and witness 'Otherworldy Dancing Skills' at 10W3, waste yourself in 'The Horror Lottery', playtest spell-checked 'Grande Games', win the Grande Quiz with your team, surprise yourself with 'No Problem!' Youth Hostel Management, be stunned by our 'Special Effects', buy refreshing 'Beercards TM', visit the OLAK (Only Local Area Kebabshop), listen to epic tales, tall stories and mythic panels, see the mighty River Rhine and be a guest again in our beloved medieval castle Stahleck to enjoy the company of one of the most wickedly fun and entertaining bunch of people you will ever find in this world or any other...
-- ~ Tentacles Grandezza ~ The HeroQuest, Call of Cthulhu and Eternal Champion Game Fest 13th-16th May 2005 Castle Stahleck, Germany ------------------------------ End of Glorantha Digest, Vol 11, Issue 140 ******************************************
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