In article <>, Rob
Helm <> writes
>In Jeff' Richard's Seattle Farmer game, I've started
>playing a Yinkin devotee who is a woman. Much of the
>Yinkin cult writeup in _Storm Tribe_ assumes a male
>worshipper, but it also says women are allowed.
>Has anyone ever played or narrated for a female Yinkin
>initiate or devotee, and if so, do you have any
>suggestions for how to carry out rituals like Wooing
>Day, in which Yinkin seduces a "goddess"?
>I think Jeff and I have worked out what will go on in
>our game, but I am still interested in hearing any
>Rob Helm
Either go for a sex change of the devotee within the context of
heroquest for its duration (which really depends on how you visualise
them working), or otherwise have parallel myths of Yinkin's daughters,
etc. Daughters repeating their fathers deeds, but reversed seems a
useful general pattern (c.f. Vinga). Or do it straight, if you and your
players are comfortable with that, I suppose.
Kevin Blackburn
End of Glorantha Digest, Vol 11, Issue 142