What sort of magic is immortality in Glorantha. How difficult is it supposed to be.
The calssic examples are of course the Mostali and the Brithini. Both are immortal as long as they live exactly according to the rules of their unchanging societies. Pretty much an ongoing magical ritual.
The other classic example are Heroes, who not only do not age, but can even return from the dead.
The heroes can do this because they represent and channel the hopes and dreams of an entire people. The Hero has become a demigod of his/her people who walks the mundane plane.
But how difficult is it for a wizard of a sorcerer to delay aging, or even to transcend it altogether? The example of the Brithini and the Mostali would seem to point out that Stasis (rune) magic is one way to achieve this. The price for this would propably be some sort of stagnation, or some other condition similar the the aforementioned peoples.
But what about the Life rune? Possibly if you denounce yourself compleatly from Death and align yourself to Life you could acieve agelessness. Death, or rather Undeath of-course also gives a solution of a sort.
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