>Me> The primal concepts are impersonal and devoid of personality.
> > The human aspects of the primal concepts are Malkion,
> > Zzabur, Ehilm, Desdoram, Aerlit and others. Many fell
> > victim to the Great Error while others were destroyed during
> > the Age of Destruction.
>Fascinating stuff. Is this western cosmology published somewhere?
The best source is Revealed Mythologies but that's hardly comprehensive or even well-ordered.
>Many of those names "Desdoram, Aerlit..." don't ring a bell for me.
Aerlit is a wind entity and ancestor of the Waertagi. He's mentioned as far back as Wyrms Footprints as a renegade Vadrudi. He's been overshadowed by Worlath because of the historical importance of the Orlanthi.
About Desdoram, nothing is known save that he perished under the Serpent's Jaw.
Ehilm is the Sun. The sorcerous myth of his death is that Zzabur revealed the truth causing Ehilm's own supporters to kill him. The primal light entity is Promalt and another light entity is Zrethus, who is the sorcerous equivalent of Dayzatar.
Dadamus is the Lord of Darkness, analogous to Dehore. The Sorcerers say that he destroyed his own soul to gain dominion over creatures of Darkness while the Malkioni believe he shared his soul instead and gained mastery through virtue and compassion.
Judging from the list of Elemental names in Anaxial's roster p203, the primal sea and earth entities are Sramake and Likita.
--Peter Metcalfe
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