>The RQ-3 era Genertela book paints the Janube-river citystates as
>a mix of Western and Theistic practises. Some of the cities are
>lunarised, but there are also Solar (Yelm, Yelmalio) and Lightbringer
>What do you people think. Shoudl these theistic groups actually be
>something like the Esvular of Heortland? Veneration of Deities? Either way
>the local Malkionists certainly seem chummy with the pagans.
The Esvulari practice what they do because of their religion. The Malkioni in Arrolia are from three groups: Orthodox, Lunar and Carmanian.
Orthodox Malkioni will follow the classical Malkioni religion. They would not stoop to worshipping false gods and so would be rather stand-offish.
Carmanians have no problem with worshipping gods with their religion. Nobody likes them much because of their past atrocities in the region.
Lunars have no problems with worshipping gods in their religion. However they tend to shun gods that aren't lunar. How they do so should be revealed in ILH-2.
IMO Galastar's Storm Worship is based upon the Vadrudi Pantheon (Valind, Molanni, Iphara, Gagarth) with the civilizing influence of the Lifebringers (Dawn Age Orlanthi religion). There's no sorcery there apart from outsiders and the strongest Malkioni influence is the Carmanians.
Eastpoint is in origin a Loskalmi city although it's a relic of the days when the God Learners were worshipping all and sundry. There are two types of Malkioni there - the Carmanians and the Lunars. The original Loskalmi had sucky magic when the monomyth collapsed (misapplied worship and all that) and there was a significant amount of defection after that so that when the Lunar way arrived in Eastpoint, the message was readily accepted.
Riverjoin, although having its origins in Eastpoint follows a different magical practice than Eastpoint as they are strongly influenced by the Minderkind school.
By Illuminating the ancient doctrines of the Loskalmi Empire with the Light of the Red Goddess, the Minderkind School discovered new philosophical methods. By juxtaposing observations about dual entities and proving them, the Sages revealed that Matter was Energy, Light was Darkness and Good was Evil. [...] One notable scholar proved that despite scholarly understanding, Wakboth was the origin of Time and Kajabor the origin of the World of Matter. Such was the depth of her wisdom that many said that she could look at someone and kill them by "proving" that Life was Death. Tales #20 p11
Southbank is another Arrolian city whose inhabitants are Lunars similar to the Eastpointers. I don't think Malkionism is very strong there as they are under the theocratic sway of a cult opposed to the Malkioni.
--Peter Metcalfe
End of Glorantha Digest, Vol 11, Issue 149
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