>For that matter, what makes you think that Arthurian Britain (one of
>the main Malkioni analogs) had better technology than the tail edge of
>the Viking era? Also, while we all LOVE to play up the primitive
>aspects of the Heortlings, expecially the Sartari, remember that they
>are from a country that was founded by a man whose life arc best maps
>to Issaries, famous for building cities, sophisticated roads, and trade
>routes that made them rich. There is a lot of complexity waiting in
>fallow for a new Changer, after the Lunar taxmen are thrown off.
FWIW, I do not play up the primitive aspects of the Heortlings in my
campaigns. They are incapable of political unification, but they are
one of the more sophisticated and complex Gloranthan cultures. Right
now my Sartarites are off to Balazar to see a real primitive culture.