:FWIW, I do not play up the primitive aspects of the Heortlings in my
:campaigns. They are incapable of political unification, but they are
:one of the more sophisticated and complex Gloranthan cultures. Right
:now my Sartarites are off to Balazar to see a real primitive culture.
My model for the Heortling technolgy is the Celts (even if a lot of the
stuff is actually from the Vikings), and the celts vere quite high-tech in
their day. The Romans learned a lot of things from the Celts, like the
leafblade shortsword that became the gladius, chainmail and soap, to name
a few.
The celts were great artesans, the romans just put the things into
My point is that the Heortlings (as I see them) are actually quite modern in their technology. Good swords, chainmail, well built city-walls, stone towers (brochs). The west is on the _same_ technological level in my game. It's the society that is different.
The West, the more advanced Heortlings and the Kralori are examples of technological prowess in Glorantha, and are more or less on the same level.
I don't see any need for full platemail and crossbows in the west. The west is about monotheism, wizardry and feodalism.
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