I wrote:
:> I'm puzzled. Where did these Solar's and Lifebringers come from?
:> The old Genertela material says that the area was inhabitet by hsunchen
:> atdaws and colonized from Brithos and Seshnela.
:Yes, but by 300 ST or so, the Theyalan High Council came into contact
:and then conflict with the Tawari people of Fronela. In 316 ST, the
:Council established a Theyalan kingdom (the Talsardian kingdom) on the
:eastern edge of Fronela, beyond Brolia. In the following century, the
:Gbaji Empire conquered much of Fronela.
Thanks Jeff, I knew that had to have happened at some point, but I just couldn't find a referense. I blame the spring and hay feaver.
Me again:
:> What do you people think. Shoudl these theistic groups actually be
:> something like the Esvular of Heortland? Veneration of Deities? Either
:> way the local Malkionists certainly seem chummy with the pagans.
:There should be a section on this in Heroes of Malkion. In the meantime,
:the Esvulari are not a bad model. Certainly, they are (mostly)
:wizards/sorcerers rather than theists.
Roger. It will at least fit better with my preliminary plans and ideas. Do you think these deities are worshipped as saints, or as lesser gods? I'd think either way they are seen as subservient to Makan the Creator.
Peter Metcalfe ansvers me
:There have always been theists in Fronela. In the case of the
:city-states, the theistic influence began when the God Learners
:abandoned monotheism.
That's very helpful. It also makes it fairly clear that we aren't really talking about Dara Happan / Heortling style theistic worship here.
:>I'm still suspect that the place should propably have western style
:>veneration of the theistic entities involved.
:That's the Esvulari practice, not the God Learner practice. The
:Janubians are the spiritual heirs of the God Learners, not the
I just brought up the Esvulari because they are the only published example of large scale veneration of theistic entities. No doubt there are differenses, but I'm using it as a working model.
Btw, since the culture in the Janube valley was effected by the Godlearners and the Monomyth, I think I'll be fairly justified in using the monomyth names for the Elemental and Runic entities. I find the stuff you cited earlier fascinating, but I don't think I can make my gamers learn yet another set of obscure names for the primal powers.
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