> I don't see any great technological difference between cataphracts
> and even 15th Century knights except possibly stirrups which appear
> at the latest by the 6th Century.
The main differences that strike me between knights and cataphracts, are that the cataphracts usually used a two handed lance (sometimes mace), and I believe emphasised a slower charge and closer formation than (oftimes) impetuous knights did. Not a huge difference...
In my Glorantha there is room for both cataphracts and knights; but I favour early knights in chainmail as I feel instinctively they fit in nicely alongside the dark age warriors of Dragon Pass.
Sassanid Persian armies (contemporaries of the later Roman Empire) were built round a core of cataphract cavalry.
-- simonmiller60_at_fsmail.net -- Whatever you Wanadoo: http://www.wanadoo.co.uk/time/ This email has been checked for most known viruses - find out more at: http://www.wanadoo.co.uk/help/id/7098.htm ------------------------------
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