> I always assume this was a RQ'ism and came from the
> RQ
> adventurers love of plate. I assume Greg's players
> were just like any others on this score.
I never liked plate myself. Being female, never had a PC with the strength to wear the stuff without falling over. That fatigue system really sucked :(
> In addition
> I'd assume that it was probably Lunar hoplite plate
> in
> origin, not western full plate. I would guess that
> there are Heortlings with scavanged armor around,
> especially as the HW progress.
That's a great explanation that brings the whole thing in line with Sartar as we now know it, but keeps the original intact. So the ban was really on wearing stolen Lunar armour! The number of Lunars who got killed in the Rebellion, there must have been a fair amount of it around, too. I wonder if anyone tried to use it to pay taxes...?
Jane Williams
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