Yes, in any culture, houses are built according to the local conditions and building materials. Which vary. Heortlings probably also favour a square house where Earth goddesses are important (and where aren't they?)
> Ideally of course any Gloranthan culture draws from more than one Earth
Plus a few extra bits, of course. We do *NOT* want direct analogues, and we especially do not want "but X RW culture didn't have it, so we can't".
> Don't forget that magical
> practice counts as technology, and the Heortlings are far more
> advanced here than a number of other cultures.
"Sufficiently complex technology counts as magic", or something like that? Please can we have Orlanthi healing technology in the RW?
> >we have the celtic (with Viking culture overtones) falvour
> for the Heortlings
> Other way around, I think.
No, it's a Celtic(ish) culture using Norse words. The various laws are almost straight out of the Black Book of Carmarthen and similar texts. Someone must have found Norse more pronouncable than early Celtic, and I'm not surprised. Still leaves me and a dictionary free to use Welsh to represent Stormtongue, and therefore for place names, though.
Which reminds me. Somewhere, there is a place which is now called Bys'chynfytyn. (Pron. Biss-chin-fin-tin, approximately). Yes, I really was that sad. I looked up "your finger, you fool" in a Welsh dictionary.
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