That's quite a big "if". In most people's Glorantha, it was sacked in 1602.
> In the years leading up to the invasion what Lunar
> presence (if any) was there in Sartar?
Depends on how far back you go, I'd say. 1600-1602, probably very few. It all depends on the extent to which the Lunars are seen as
1) those foreigners with the odd ideas 2) the people we just went to fight against in Tarsh 3) didn't we send some troops against them once? 4) the bastards who just killed our High King!
In the game I ran set in 1597, the PC attitude to Lunars was mainly 1 and 3. Yes, grandad fought them, once. But they're not nicking *our* cows. The Poss clan, now, that's something to worry about.
And from the Lunar POV, it'll depend on the extent to which they're interested in spying out Sartar ready to invade it. Or assimilate it. Or something.
> I'm considering setting a game in pre-invasion
Good idea! Orlanthi culture as it should be, with all the nice civilised roads and things. Then hit them with the invasion, and they'll have a *real* reason to hate the Lunars.
Jane Williams
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