>will in reality be very complex situations. For most of our storytelling of
>course, this can be quite safely ignored. But there's something very C20
>Western about a notion of interlocked, discretely bounded tulas and pure
>unmixed clans.
For what it is worth, I've been "diffusing" the tula boundaries and mixing
up the clans somewhat in the Nymie Vale. For example, my little group of
players are all from the same bloodline of the Orlmarthing clan. Some live
at the main family stead, others have built a stead up on the Starfire Ridge
in lands disputed by the Greydogs, others live in the main Orlmarthing
village, still others live in Clearwine Fort and finally another lives in
Ernaldori lands. All the characters live within 5-10 miles of each other,
but their settlement patterns illustrate the overlap of tulas - at least in
the Nymie vale. I'm pretty sure it is the same around Runegate and in the
Swan vale.
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