Hmm. I live in Canberra, as far from the sea as Land's End from John O'Groats, or thereabouts. As far as I can see, raiding and hunting and occasionally exploring is what they did on the sea; this can easily be done on land, just more slowly. ;) What changes, I think, is the view of them from other cultures; basically, less 'cool' and more 'scary' or 'annoying.' I can just see, dimly, a crew of rowdies on a Mastakos/Orlanth-aided flying ship singing about going 'a-Heortling' amongst the Lunar towns...
-- | Paul May | | Kax Hoplodyne, Ltd | | MIB 1138; RD Australia | I'm an omnitheist. You can't have too many messiahs. -- No virus found in this outgoing message. Checked by AVG Anti-Virus. Version: 7.0.308 / Virus Database: 266.11.11 - Release Date: 16/05/05 ------------------------------
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