Boundary stones and overlapping tulas
>So the boundary stones mark ploughland, not the whole tula?
>And the influence of the clan wyter is subject to gradual fade-out at the
>edges, not a strict boundary?
I think wyters can have overlapping boundaries (probably set by where the
various rituals are performed and not by where the line on the map is
drawn). For example, each year the Orlmarthing priests perform a ritual on
the far side of Starfire Ridge (in sight of Tallstone stead), invoking the
clan wyter to that place and asserting ownership of the Ridge. The Greydogs
could try to do the same and perform a version of the same rite inside the
lands claimed by the Orlmarthing - if successful, the Greydog and
Orlmarthing tulas would overlap. Of course, the Orlmarthing of
Urothfaldastead and Harranholarstead would insist that the clan fyrd disrupt
such a ceremony.
In friendlier lands, such overlap is probably really common since I doubt
any Ernaldori would try to kill the Orlmarthing priests that perform rites
to the clan in a place like Clearwine. Certainly the Orlmarthing do not try
to kill the Anmangarn who assert shared pasture rights in the northern vale.
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