>>Hilltop pastures overlap, clans interpenetrate, tribes have vague
>>borders--all the same thing. Villages know exactly their plowland,
>>but their wastelands and pastures are sometimes shared....
>So the boundary stones mark ploughland, not the whole tula?
That doesn't follow.
You know your plowland because, well, it's plowed. It's very easy to see. If you're at a boundary stone, it's easy to tell where you are too (assuming it hasn't been moved :-). But I don't believe there's a line of stones every few metres. They're a goodly distance from each other, and even if you could actually see to the next one, the boundary wouldn't be a straight line between them.
The lands between plowed fields of different clans are probably in varying degrees of wildness (sometimes a meadow to graze, but often wildlands to hunt). It's real hard to tell an exact boundary in wildland.
And it's not at all clear to me that a clan wyter is going to be able to determine the exact geometric border between two clans. They can warn when an intruder is *definitely* in your tula, and that's good enough for almost everything.
-- David Dunham Glorantha/HQ/RQ page: http://www.pensee.com/dunham/glorantha.html Imagination is more important than knowledge. -- Albert Einstein ------------------------------
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