>Oranor is described as "a small barbarian kingdom, sometimes
>in the past part of either Jonatela or Loskalm".
>What does the barbarian kingdom mean in this context?
That it has a king and the Loskalmi consider these people to be barbarians.
>Does it mean that
>lifebringer worship is the major religion here?
Lifebringer worship was said to exist around Galastar far further to the west. Given Oranor's position with respect to the High Llama Pass and Loskalm, it would have been heavily influenced by the Monomyth and also escaped any major influence from Lankst (the Alakorings).
>Are the people organized
>into clans and tribes, with an overking?
They are not Heortlings and their family relationships would be as alien to the Sartarites as the Praxians are. They may have clans and they may have tribes but neither of them will function like the Heortings. Given the proximity to Loskalm, western ideas about society will hold far stronger sway here.
>This "small" kingdom has a population of 310,000, which
>makes it the size of Sartar!
It's still small compared to Loskalm and Jonatela.
>Peter also talked about local Vadrus worship. Isn't Vadrus
>supposed to be dead? The Monomyth influense has been
>strong here, and the Godlearners certainly seem to have
>thought Vadrus dead.
I talked about Vadrudi worship (Molanni, Gagarth, Valind, Iphara and Ygg). Vadrus may or may not have been alive at some historical point of time but he is not alive now.
--Peter Metcalfe
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