> "Sormesi hölmö"
> Though it could be translated in at least half a dozen other ways too.
> Good luck figuring out how to pronounce that :)
:Jane asked: :So how would a Finn pronounce it? Roughly? Or rather, in your experience :of English-speakers attaenmpting to pronounce Finnish, what noises would :we make that approximated to it?
Ok, I'm not a linquist, but I'll do my best.
Sormi = finger, and with a little modification it becomes your finger
=> sormesi
Now that I look at it, I think a native english speaker will pronounce it recognizably well. The R should be hard, but I can't explain how it's done since the hard R is not used in the english language. Think of a russian accent, parhaps for the R.
hölmö = fool (a mild, not very insulting word for it)
[h] as in hot
[ö] as as the u in murder
That should get you pretty close,
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