The Green Age
Glorantha certainly existed before the splendor of the Golden Age. The First
Days were the Creation Times. Certainly even older events occurred, but in
the Golden Age lived races, tribes, or peoples who remembered when they
began. Those people, the First People, were not people like us.
* The Green Age *is a term used in several ways.* *Green is the Earth Color,
and the creative era before the Golden Age was the Earth Era. First the
Earth itself, the dirt we stand on, raised from the vast seas. It kept
rising, at first as the Only Thing and later as the Surface World, which we
still casually call "earth."
Plants are green, mostly, and during the Green Age the earth was covered
with a lush variety of vegetation. The Elves, who are vegetable people, have
their own mythology of that distant time. But no people were around then to
remember them.
The Green Age stories are all stories of awakening and beginnings. The Lunar mystics say Consciousness began then when people and deities became self aware, and that Green Age stories are those first awakenings. Whatever the mechanism might be, though, the creative events of the Green Age were our beginning.
The world was shaped and inhabited in this era, and everything was simple, plentiful, and safe. Myths of this era include events like making fire, the first song, or recognizing the differences between plants and animals, or men and women, or night and day.
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